
Eye Cream

Group A: Monday March 14th / Monday March 21st / Monday March 28th / Monday April 11th / Monday May 9th
Group B: Tuesday March 15th / Tuesday March 22nd / Tuesday Marrch 29th / Tuesday April 12th / Tuesday May 10th
Group C: Wednesday March 16th / Wednesday March 23rd / Wednesday March 30th / Wednesday April 13th
Group D: Thursday March 17th / Thursday March 24th / Thursday April 14th / Thursday May 12th
Group E: Friday March 18th / Friday March 25th / Friday April 1st / Friday April 15th / Friday May 13th

Study description:

We are currently looking for 75 women or men to participate in a study for an eye cream. In order to be eligible for this study, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Women or men between 25 and 45 years old
  • Having fine lines/crow’s feet around the eye area
  • Having dark circles
  • Not having permanent makeup
  • Not participating in another study

To be eligible for the study, a pre-inclusion appointment of 15 minutes is required in order to conduct an assessment by a technician. Please note that the pre-inclusion is not compensated and does not guarantee your participation in the study.

The pre-inclusion dates are: Friday February 25th or Tuesday March 1st or Wednesday March 2nd or Thursday March 3rd 2022.

The study consists of 5 appointments of 25 minutes for a total compensation of 200$.

You will have the possibility to choose one of the following groups for your appointments:

Monday March 14th
Monday March 21st
Monday March 28th
Monday April 11th
Monday May 9th

Tuesday March 15th
Tuesday March 22nd
Tuesday Marrch 29th
Tuesday April 12th
Tuesday May 10th

Wednesday March 16th
Wednesday March 23rd
Wednesday March 30th
Wednesday April 13th
Wednesday May 11th

Thursday March 17th
Thursday March 24th
Thursday March 31st
Thursday April 14th
Thursday May 12th

Friday March 18th
Friday March 25th
Friday April 1st
Friday April 15th
Friday May 13th

To book an appointment, please leave a message 514-759-3351 ext. 101

Your message should include your volunteer code, your name and phone number as well as the purpose of the study.

Please do not respond by email.

Already registered at Spincontrol? Call us to verify your eligibility at 514 759 3351

Facial Serum

Group A: Monday January 31st / Monday February 28th
Group B: Friday February 4th / Friday March 4th

Study description:

We are currently looking for 30 women or men to participate in a study for a facial serum. In order to be eligible for this study, you must meet the following criteria:

  • Women or men 25-65 years old
  • Having a dull and uneven complexion
  • Not participating in another study

The pre-inclusion appointment (verification of the inclusion criteria by a technician) will be the same day as the first appointment. Please note that the pre-inclusion is not remunerated and does not guarantee your participation in the study.

The study consists of 2 appointments of 20 minutes for a total compensation of $120.

You will have the possibility to choose one of the following groups for your appointments:

Monday January 31st
Monday February 28th

Friday February 4th
Friday March 4th


To book an appointment, please leave a message 514-759-3351 ext. 101

Already registered at Spincontrol? Call us to verify your eligibility at 514 759 3351